When contradictory discourses are combined together this is referred to as "‘interdiscursivity’ (Fairclough, 2015, p. 38), where discourses with largely independent and sometimes antagonistic sources combine in novel ways to create a culturally resonant and ideologically potent fusion.” (Matt Guardino, 2017)
Maybe we can take this to another dimension - Tonkiss (1998) refers to 'discursive silence', which in turn is similar to the concept of “nondecision”, which was advanced by Bachrach and Baratz (1970). Here the power of a discourse is expressed in how it is left out of the agenda, for example by elbowing it out in favour of other discourses or by attempting to ignore the elephant in the room.
Such concepts can help us understand how political agents try to influence public discourse, often in contradictory ways. Amid the noise, such analysis is required to help understand how power works.