My op-ed in today's Malta Independent discusses the nuances of corruption, community and social capital in a small state:
Corruption, community, social capital - The Malta Independent
My op-ed in today's Malta Independent discusses the nuances of corruption, community and social capital in a small state:
Corruption, community, social capital - The Malta Independent
L-aħbar li Malta tpoġġiet fil-greylist tal-Financial Action Task Force (FATF) m'hijiex waħda li għandna nieħdu gost biha.
Issa nistennew it-teatrini tas-soltu fuq il-media soċjali. Tribaliżmu soffokanti, tgħajjir, u pjattaformi li permezz tagħhom mingħalina li nifmhu f'kollox. Kulħadd komdu fil-bubble soċjali tiegħu.
Ikun aħjar jekk niddeliberaw u naraw kif, fl-isferi varji, nagħmlu l-parti tagħna għas-sostenibilita' fil-politika ekonomika tagħna. Il-widnejn u l-għajnejn huma importanti daqs il-ħalq f'proċess ta' dan it-tip.
Għal iktar tagħrif dwar il-greylisting ta' Malta:
Malta greylisted by FATF as lobbying efforts prove futile - The Malta Independent
Dr Karl Agius and Dr Michael Briguglio will be presenting their paper entitled 'Can ecotourism mitigate seasonality? The case of the Aegadian archipelago' at the international '2021 People and the Sea Conference' organised by the MARE - Centre for Maritime Research.
In my op-ed article in today's Malta Independent I discuss political ramifications of last week's State of the Nation Survey. Link:
The political state of the nation - The Malta Independent
The ‘State of the Nation’ survey, published on Friday, aimed to explore the values, norms and aspirations that define the Maltese. I was asked by the Times of Malta to give my views on the data relating to family life. You can read it here:
What the experts say about 'State of the Nation' survey results (