Dr Maria Brown and Dr Michael Briguglio from the University of Malta presented findings of a study on the pro-LGBTIQ rights movement in Malta at the international workshop 'Liberal Democracy in Crisis? Dialectics of Politicization and Depoliticization'.
The hybrid event, held 8-9th July 2021, was hosted by the Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik - Croatia. The event forms part of the work programme of Working Group 1: Practices of the COST Action RECAST 'Reappraising Intellectual Debates on Civic Rights and Democracy in Europe'.
The workshop discussion will inform the forthcoming publication Democracy in Stormy Times: Democratic crisis revisited, edited by Claudia Wiesner, Ruzha Smilova and Meike Schmidt-Gleim, to which Michael Briguglio and Maria Brown will contribute with the co-authored chapter "Repoliticising movements: The case of pro-LGBTIQ rights in Malta". Link to event programme: ProgrammeRECAST- WG1-W3-Dubrovnik-July2021.pdf (uma.es)