Monday, June 26, 2023

A new team and vision of the international social science journal

Editorial - International Social Science Journal 
June 2023
Pages 255-259

Since its inception in 1949 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Social Science Journal (ISSJ) has sought to strengthen the ties between social science communities globally. Aiming to reach the widest possible audience for over 70 years, the ISSJ uses inter-disciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to uncover new knowledge, offering an open door for theoretical and applied research. In January 2023, an editorial team composed of scholars from various regions and with backgrounds in different areas of the social sciences was assembled to cooperatively strive for excellence in publishing outstanding works and advance our scholarly and inter-disciplinary knowledge. Baris Cayli Messina, appointed Editor-in-Chief, was accompanied by eight other leading editors: Julie Aitken Schermer, Michael Briguglio, Rowan Gard, Andrea Gatto, Liang Ma, Umer Shahzad, Lexi Webster and Jianzhi Zhao, all established academics in their respective fields who have joined forces to preserve and enhance the International Social Sciences Journal's authoritative stature. 

Read the full editorial here:
Reference: Briguglio, M., Cayli Messina, B., Gard, R., Gatto, A., Schermer, J.A., Shahzad, U., Webster, L. and Zhao, J. (2023), A new team and vision of the international social science journal. Int Soc Sci., 73: 255-259.

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Op-ed: The Bormla Elderly Persons' Controversy - Michael Briguglio

In today's Malta Independent, I discuss the controversy surrounding the relocation of residents of the Cospicua home for the elderly.


Image; The Malta Independent

Monday, June 19, 2023

#Ħsibijiet 98 - Protezzjoni lil min jitfa' t-tajn

Hekk Sew!

Kont taf li Membru tal-Parlament jista' jallega u saħansitra jivvinta fuqek, u jirrovinalek ħajtek, u li int, sadanittant ma tistax twieġeb jew tieħu azzjoni biex tiddefendi r-reputazzjoni tiegħek?

Wieħed jifhem li dwar xi materji sensittivi, il-Membri tal-Parlament għandhom ikollhom xi forma ta' protezzjoni meta jitkellmu. Iżda dan id-dritt m'għandux jiġi abbużat. L-Ispeaker tal-Kamra Anġlu Farrugia ilu 8 snin jitkellem dwar dan il-lok ta' abbuż ta' poter, u ilu 8 snin jiġi injorat mill-parlament.

Għandu raġun, u jistħoqqlu l-appoġġ minn dawk kollha ta' rieda tajba għal riforma ġusta f'dan il-qasam.

Aqra iktar hawnhekk:

Friday, June 16, 2023

#Ħsibijiet 97 - Il-kontroversja Manche'

Naqbel li l-Gvern għandu jagħmel riformi legali sabiex is-satira ma tiġix kriminaliżżata. Is-satira hija sinjal ta' demokrazija vibranti. Madankollu mhux faċli li tiġi artikolata riforma konsistenti f'dan il-qasam. Pajjiżna għandu jara li l-ebda identita', ideoloġija jew diskors għandu jiġi privileġġjat fuq oħrajn. Għandna nevitaw id-double standards. 

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Op-ed: The Xebbajtuna Protest - Michael Briguglio

In today's Malta Independent I give a sociological interpretation to last Saturday's national environmental protest. 


Photo: The Malta Independent