Monday, September 25, 2023

Politicians cannot expect ‘trust’, if they ignore people’s concerns

In yesterday's Malta Today, I was interviewed by Raphael Vassallo about Malta's current political situation. 


Photo: James Bianchi / MediaToday

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

University of Malta to introduce new degree in Social Impact Assessments

Can these studies become another box to tick without meaningful consequences for communities elbowed out by major projects? James Debono speaks to course coordinator Michael Briguglio


Monday, September 11, 2023

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Op-ed: Cost of Living and the Budget - Michael Briguglio

In today's Malta Independent I discuss current challenges related to Malta's cost of living and the upcoming national budget.


Monday, September 04, 2023

Il-każ Sofia: kif wasalna s’hawn?

“Isabelle Bonnici wriet kemm hu importanti li ma teskludi lil ħadd, u bniet bħal network soċjali fuq skala nazzjonali ta’ nies li jappoġġjaw il-kawża” - Aqra iktar f'dan l-artiklu fil-gażżetta Illum:

Ritratt: Illum